About a week ago, I was struck with the realization that I was suddenly no longer going to and leaving from work in the dark. Oh what joy!! Unbeknownst to me, my spirit had been longing for and waiting for this day, because something leapt joyfully inside of me.
fine art print, "Zohar" by Inmost Light on Etsy
I felt a sprouting inside of me like new growth first breaking ground in the immediate days of spring. And, though, spring is not quite here yet, the longer days and the warm sunshine has reminded me that it is right around the corner. Soon, winter will succumb to spring's overwhelming and glorious light, and warmth and new life will burst forth as it always does during this particularly expectant season.
Spring. The season of newness . . . new life, new beginnings, new hope. Spring makes my heart smile.
"Springtime Cherry Blossoms" by Lisa Russo Photography on Etsy
So, while there is snow on the ground as I write this, and even more expected later this week, I am holding onto the light, the light that rose early with me this morning and was still there after I left work tonight. And with the light, I am holding onto the hope it has stirred in my heart and soul.
"soft morning light" by Madden Photography on Etsy
Longer days are a comin' my friends. Winter will soon give way to spring, glorious spring!
May you be filled with a sense of hope today and richly blessed.